Letter of CIN on the Cancellation of the Recommendation and Selection of Outstanding Figures in Navigation Science and Technology

Letterof CIN on theCancellation of theRecommendation andSelection of

OutstandingFigures inNavigation Science andTechnology

To all units concerned,

Here is to inform that on April 2, the China Institute of Navigation (CIN) issued the Notice of CIN on the Recommendation and Selection of Outstanding Figures in Navigation Science and Technology and the First Supreme Navigation Science and Technology Award. (Issued by CIN﹝2021﹞NO.45, hereinafter called Notice in short) . In accordance with the recent requirements of relevant policies, we have decided to cancel the Recommendation and Selection of Outstanding Figures in Navigation Science and Technology from the Notice, and the work of the First Supreme Navigation Science and Technology Award will be carried out as planned.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

China Institute of Navigation
