Subscribe 2016 "seamanship" "Chinese Navigation"

The aim ofNavigation Technology(bimonthly) is to spread advanced navigation application technologies to improve personnel knowledge, to ensure the safety of ships, to protect the marine environment, and to boost efficiency of shipping businesses. The bimonthly has become an important communication platform of the China for the Navigation technology applications.Navigation Technologyis priced 20 yuan per issue, with 6 issues published each year. Its yearly price is 120 yuan in mainland China, 200 yuan in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions priced 200 yuan, and $100 in foreign countries.

Phone: 021-38284907

Fax: 021-38284900

China Navigation(quarterly) publishes China’s research results in maritime science and technology, and its purpose is to promote the development of maritime science and technology and increase academic exchanges at home and abroad. In this quarterly you can find major findings of national key projects, marine technology academic papers and latest news of China Institute of Navigation. It is the most important academic results and publication platform.China Navigationis priced 25 yuan for each issue. For annual subscription, it is priced100 yuan in mainland China (4 issues), 180 yuan in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions, and $90 overseas.

Phone: 021-38284906

Fax: 021-38284900

According to the resolutions of Director’s Office of the China Institute of Navigation, since January 2014,Navigation Technologyand "China Navigation" have been undertaken by the Shanghai Maritime University (journal head office), (Shanghai Ship and Shipping Research Institute still being a joint managing party ofChina Navigation), with its editorial department in B5 floor, COSCO Library, Shanghai Maritime University, No.1550, Haigang Avenue, Shanghai.China navigationeditorial office is located on 2nd floor of building 19, Shanghai Ship and Shipping Research Institute, No.600 Minsheng Road, Shanghai.Navigation TechnologyandChina Navigationare self-distributed and not through post offices. Please remit subscription fees via post offices or transfer fees though banks to Shanghai Hai Da Culture Communication Co., Ltd. (the company is wholly owned by Shanghai Maritime University and responsible for periodicals development and management).

Bank transfer

Account Name: Shanghai Hai Da Culture Communication Co., Ltd.

Opening Bank: Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, Minsheng Road Branch

Bank account: 970101552600 00184

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Journal head office, Shanghai Maritime University, No. 1550, Haigang Avenue, Shanghai. Zip code: 201 306

recipient: Shanghai Maritime University Journal Head Office

Attachment: subscription receipts
